Monday, April 19, 2010


So today I experienced my first "crash" during my workout, which I think is a synonym for a huge drop in blood sugar. I had just run two miles and was heading downstairs to lift some weights when I noticed that it was taking some real effort to walk straight. I made it downstairs, and went over to a mat to stretch a bit and do some core and I couldn't shake this dizzy feeling. After 5 minutes of feeling like I was going to pass out, I knew I needed to take a break. Unfortunately, I left my wallet in my car, so I went outside and got it and bought a granola bar at the gym cafe. I sat down and wolfed down my granola bar and chilled out for a few minutes. After getting up and getting back to my workout, I felt fine within a few minutes.

During my dizzy spell, I couldn't figure out why I felt this way. My hypothesis is that I didn't have enough food to eat today. This morning I had a breakfast sandwich that was 230 calories, two clementines, and a small cafe au lait. Mid-morning I ate a cup of fat free yogurt, for lunch I had a small bowl of pasta salad and an apple, and I had a Clif Bar around 3:30 which was 2 hours before my workout began. My guestimation is that by that point I had only eaten around 1,000 calories for the day. Based on my high level of activity I think I probably need about 1,800 daily, but I really don't have any idea. If anyone has any ideas or tips on calorie intake while training, please let me know!!!

After my workout I had some homemade vegetarian fajitas that included onion, spinach, bell pepper, and tempeh I heated up on the stove with some salsa. I sauteed the onion and pepper and added the spinach at the very end, and then I dumped that stuff onto a plate and added tempeh and the salsa to the pan. The tempeh just needed to be heated up, and it absorbs the flavors of the salsa so all in all the meal turned out to be very tasty.

I think I might go old school and have a few Girl Scout cookies and milk in just a little bit.

Lessons of the day: consult a nutritionist about necessary calorie intake while training, and don't be afraid to take a break during your workout!

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