I took a 45 minute run outside today and it was fine but the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about my shoes. I've had my running shoes since October and they carried me through my mini training. Consistently running for 7-8 months on the same pair of shoes calls for a new pair.
Check these out:

These are Asics and I have no idea what the name is. They are stability shoes (I'm an overpronator) and they are narrow! Yay for narrow shoes!
Then I headed to Target because I needed a bike pump, but I also needed to stock up on supplements:

I really wanted some chocolate whey protein for two reasons:
1. I had a shake at my gym with chocolate whey protein and it was so delicious
2. Whey protein is good for recovery
Target beats Kroger in Clif Bar prices and the chocolate chip is my favorite.
The other items are: multivitamins, green tea extract, and fish oil.
I made a green monster with a scoop of the whey protein and it rocks so I'm very happy with my purchase. Monday will be the next day I run so I can't wait to see how the new shoes do.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
I like your socks